In the News

Film Review: Down to Earth Climate Justice Stories

Review by Mary Gilbert

HOW DO PEOPLE BECOME ACTIVISTS? Are they born that way? How does continuing revelation come into play?

Andy Burt, a Quaker from Maine, has made a sensitive, well-planned, and beautifully edited one-hour film, Down to Earth: Climate Justice Stories (, in which she interviews a dozen or so earthcare activists about how they became involved in activism and what it means to them.

We see that it takes a certain type of courage to take on the role of “activist,” but the ordinary people in this movie have done it in a variety of ways and over their lifetimes. Some speak of important experiences of nature in childhood; their wish to protect the natural world has always been part of who they are. Some became activists later in life once they perceived the complexity of the world in a more informed way. For some, connections with others drew them in. Some simply had a feeling that “I must do this.” Once across the threshold, they all found an enhanced inner sense of meaning in their lives. (Read more here.)

Down to Earth: Interview with Filmmaker Andy Burt

“I didn’t set out to make a film,” says Andy Burt, the creator and director of the new documentary film, Down to Earth: Climate Justice Stories (

“I set out to go collect stories. It was young friends who said ‘you should do a video.’ So that’s why you have this film.” Down to Earth is a visual collection of thirteen “stories with the power to change hearts and inspire bold action,” featuring locals in Andy’s home state of Maine who are finding ways to creatively resist climate change and build healthy communities.

“What is important to me about this film is that it is not something I created to entertain people. There are a lot of powerful documentaries that I have certainly been moved by and I have attended so many screenings. I feel that the stories are often not something that common people can touch. You know, Naomi Klein is telling this story–I could never be Naomi Klein. So I wanted to gather stories of people just like me, of folks who are neighbors, that could be shown as an outreach tool to the folks who aren’t part of the climate change choir, not necessarily those that are climate deniers, but those that are sitting on the fence that know there is a problem, but don’t quite know how to act and are asking what can I do? The stories are diverse–people of different ages, cultures, gender identity–and they could be any one of us.” (Read more here.)

Above content from BeFriending Creation which is the printed journal of Quaker Earthcare Witness.

Andy Burt Helps Churches Get “Down To Earth”

Maine Council of Churches’ environmental justice advocacy volunteer and former staff member Anne D. (“Andy”) Burt has created a climate justice ministry in storytelling and filmmaking that she is bringing to congregations throughout Maine and beyond. Her ministry is supported in part by a grant from New England Yearly Meeting (Religious Society of Friends) Legacy Fund.

Andy has produced two films focused on Maine climate activists and climate solutions that inspire hope and action, as well as complementary materials and resources for reflection, discussion and action that lend themselves to religious education classes and/or workshops for middle school through adults. The free films and materials can be downloaded from the Down to Earth website (

Andy is available to present the films and relevant materials and lead discussion in a workshop setting. She may be contacted at or at 380-5387. She would gratefully accept an honorarium to cover her travel expenses.

See full MCC Newsletter here.

Top lawmakers reject most appeals to hear more bills in January

South Portland tank farm is being closely monitored after toxic emissions above allowable levels were discovered. A committee has been formed to make recommendations to city government and a bill focused on the problem and supported by South Portland legislator Rebecca Millet will be heard this session in the legislature. Portland Press Herald Article.

Also to keep up with the Maine Climate Council and Working Groups and their deliberations to develop Maine’s climate acton plan, click here to read it!