SPRING 2017 — Things Mainers can do after seeing Down to Earth Climate Justice Stories

Come to the People’s Climate March/Mobilization on Saturday, April 29, from 10am-1pm at the State House in Augusta. Info available at special Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1900909990179657/ Buses to the simultaneous national march in DC are being organized by Sierra Club Maine Chapter.  Call 761-5616 for more info.



  • Workshops on nonviolent direct action are being conducted regularly throughout the state. If you have a group interested in learning about NVDA and hosting a workshop or would like to attend one of the free workshops, contact Larry Dansinger at 262-3706 or Resources for Organizing and Social Change website at  http://resourcesforsocialchange.org/.


  • Activities are on-going to support pipeline protests (Protect South Portland, Keystone XL, Dakota Access, and others), Indigenous rights, divestment from fossil fuels. To get information, updates and contacts, be in touch with Andy Burt at 380-5387 or downtoearth145@gmail.com. She can direct you to Maine contacts.


Protect South Portland


Flash News: Federal judge puts hold on pipeline lawsuit against South Portland